Friday, December 11, 2009


Hey everyone I'm doing a CHRISTMAS giveaway....

Sanitas is one of my favorite skin care lines!!! Go check them our here Sanitas

To enter just leave a comment asking any skin care question you or a friend may have...can be anything from nails,makeup,waxing,laser hair removal,eyebrows,skin... you get the picture!! ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY SATURDAY DEC 12 at 12:00am

Thanks and good luck to all!!


  1. Awesome! I've got another question..... I was a lifeguard for a few summers in Vegas, and I know it was really bad for my skin, especially my "future skin", with wrinkles and spots and that kind of thing. Is there anything I can use now to help repair the damage I know I caused?

  2. My face is already wrinkled. What is the best way to get rid of lines around your eyes and smile line that doesn't include super expensive treatments?


  3. What is the best way to keep from getting hang nails and dry cuticles? Especially in the winter? I have the worst nails right now and I am wondering if there is a secret I am missing out on

  4. i love mineral makeup but Bare Ess dries me out and I found TRUE mineral makeup is so much sheerer and doesn't dry me out. What is the main difference in their ingreds?

  5. I've heard great things about mineral makeup but I cannot use it to even my skin. I have extreme depigmentation in spots around my face and only the thickest cream foundations can make these undetentable. is there an alternative to mineral foundations for me? eg not sheer powder.

  6. so.. am I not supposed to pop zits even if they look like they're ready??! ;) hope i win!!!

  7. I have REALLY dry skin. I have to apply lotion like 3 times a day. I've tried pretty much everything and nothing works. Any suggestions?

  8. Yaaa! What a fun giveaway.
    So my question is... What can i do to even out my skin tone and get rid of those hideous dark spots?

  9. This is an awesome giveaway!!! i'm crossing my fingers i win. Ok, here is my question: What is the best thing for chapped lips? I've heard that some chap sticks have something in them that make your lips worse so that you keep using them, is this an urban myth??? Also, what is better to use lip gloss or chap stick, and what is the difference? Ok, that was a couple questions... does that mean i have a better chance of winning? haha, jk... love ya cami!

  10. Hey! This is Sandy, Brittney's cousin :) so my question is... what products or treatments are good for hyperpigmentation and/or scarring??
